The color sensor product family includes both RGB (Red, Green, Blue) and high-accuracy XYZ light sensors for precise color measurement, determination, and discrimination. XYZ sensors are capable of providing xy chromaticity co-ordinates in accordance with the CIE 1931 color map. The ams color sensors include filters to block unwanted IR light in the visible spectral range, enabling highly accurate color measurement. Their high sensitivity coupled with their wide dynamic range make them well suited to continuous color temperature measurement of ambient light in display management systems, and automatic-white-balance assistance in camera applications. Some products have additional IR channels to assist with IR light source identification.
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PartNo | Description | Supply Voltage | Interface | Color Sensor Channels | IR Blocking Filter | Temperature Range | Package | Programmable |
TCS34727 | Color light-to-digital converter 1.8V I²C and IR filter | 2.7 - 3.3 | 1.8V | RGBC | Yes | -40 to 85 | FN | |
TCS34725 | Color light-to-digital converter Vdd I²C and IR filter | 2.7 - 3.6 | VDD | RGBC | Yes | -40 to 85 | FN | |
TCS34717 | Color light-to-digital converter 1.8V I²C | 2.7 -3.3 | I2C - 1.8V | RGBC | -30 to 70 | FN, pin count 8 | Gain and integration time, interrupt | |
TCS34715 | Color light-to-digital converter Vdd I²C | 2.7 -3.3 | I2C - VDD | RGBC | -30 to 70 | FN, pin count 8 | Gain and integration time, interrupt | |
TCS3430 | XYZ Color light-to-digital converter with Vdd I²C 1.8V | 1.7 - 2.0 | I²C - 1.8V | XYZ and 2 IR | Yes | -40 to 85 | 8-pin module | Gain, Integration time, Interrupt |
TCS3410 | Universal ambient light RGB sensor for behind OLED displays or auxiliary to camera | 1.7 - 1.98 | I²C - 1.8V | RGBC+Flicker | Yes | -30 to 85 | OLGA, Pin count 6 | Gain, Integration Time, Interrupt, Configuration |
TCS3408 | TCS3408 Color and 50/60 Hz Ambient light flicker detection sensor | 1.7 - 2.0 | I²C - 1.8V | 5 | Yes | -30 to 70 | QFN, Pin Count 12 | Gain, Integration Time, Interrupt |
TCS3400 | Color light-to-digital converter with 5th IR channel Vdd I²C | 2.7 - 3.6 | I²C Bus (1.8V, VDD) | RGBC and IR | Yes | -40 to 70 | 6-pin FN | Yes |
TCS3200 | Programmable color light-to-frequency converter | 2.7- 5.5 | Frequency | RGBC | -40 to 70 | D, pin count 8 | ||
AS73211 | Industrial-grade XYZ color sensor with high sensitivity and dynamic range | 2.7 - 3.6 | fast I²C | XYZ tri-stimulus CIE 1931/standard observer | Yes | -40 to 125 | QFN16 | Gain, integration time, interrupt, 16-bit output via shifter |